Customize your support data with Supportbench's advanced grouping

Supportbench’s pivot table-style advanced grouping allows agents to easily sort and view relevant data based on their needs. Enhance efficiency and productivity with customized support data.

Pivot Tables

Efficiently sort cases with Supportbenches advanced grouping and analysis

Sort cases by relevant data variables with Supportbenches advanced grouping and pivot table analysis. Increase performance metrics and provide exceptional customer experience.

SLA Management

Boost agent performance with customizable SLA prioritization

Customize SLAs based on priority, asset, or client email for focused and efficient case management. Improve organizational performance metrics by prioritizing SLA completion.


Support your customers your way

01. Advanced Grouping

02. Customizable Pivot Tables

03. Efficient Data View

04. Quick Sorting by Data

05. Performance Boost

06. SLA Integration

07. Data-Driven Prioritization

08. Improved Customer Experience.